News from




The MATTACHINE NEWSLETTER dated June 25 announced that "plans are going ahead for the preparation of the initial issue of the Society's magazine, to be published later this year. The magazine will be named MS -unless some more appropriate title is selected.

"Material for the issue is being collected and written, and the publications department is investigating production facilities. A program to raise the funds required to publish the first two issues is under study by the Board of Directors at Los Angeles.

"It is planned to issue 3000 copies of the first two issues to a large and select group of subscriber prospects, and the publication should be on a paid subscription basis with the third issue. As reported at the May convention, the magazine will come out six times a year instead of monthly."

ONE is happy to welcome a new publication. into the field. There is room for many more of them and the expression of many points of view. Every agency and activity which brings public enlightenment and understanding helps the rest of us along. We salute M S and look forward to seeing it soon.


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